Sunday, May 23, 2010

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog...

I'm taking a time-out from wedding blogging to write about what a whole crap-ton of people have been speculating on since about October 2009.

Any guesses?


One of the earliest KJ & Cara memories is from Summer of '06, which a good portion was spent in the cozy attic of 509 Elm (KJ's house) watching the first season of Lost on DVD. I wasn't really into Lost at first, but hanging out with Jessica, Eddy, Annie, Supple, et al changed that pretty quickly. It took about 8 episodes (which were watched over the course of one single weekend), but by the 9th hour, I was hooked.

After KJ moved out of the house to go back to school, we moved the Lost party across town (to my apartment) where we watched Season 2 on DVD. KJ was an hour away in Charleston finishing his degree, so Season 2 was watched into the early hours of non game weekends. (If there was a game, there was no time to watch Lost. 5am wake ups were rough enough by themselves). By the time Season 3 started, we were both caught up and didn't miss an episode.

It wasn't until Season 4 that we actually got to watch the episodes together, live, at their air time.

What's nice about agreeing that Lost is awesome, is that it trumps all other TV. There is no deciding who gets to watch what, because Lost is the ace up the sleeve, it beats out everything. I'm sure once Lost is gone, there is going to be some compromising on if the CUBS or 90210 is more important to watch, but I'm not concerned (mostly because 90210, even though pretty awful in its own right, has more action than the entire CUBS season does.

Ok, 6pm - time to watch the recap before the 8pm final episode titled "The End" - hmm, I guess the writers creativity was running low when they named that one. But, fasten your safety belt people... I'm sure we are going to get some type of awesome turbulence in the next few hours.

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