Monday, January 18, 2010

"Those" People

**forgive me - I don't know how to upload a video, but use it as background music while you read this entry**

So we all know one of "those" people. And "those" people can mean a lot of different things. So here is what I mean when I talk about "those" people...

I mean the people that are absolutely positively 100% publicly and privately PERFECT for each other. The couples that just fit. They make it look so easy, so fun, so effortless. It's difficult to say ones name without referring to them as a single entity. You look up to them, you admire them, and you really really hope you are invited to their wedding because you know its going to go down in the book of love as one of the best you've ever been to.

I have 3 of "those" couples in my life - and because I love these couples so very much I want to tell you all about how fabulous they really are.

Heather & Jeff - this post is really all due to them. I just logged on to facebook and saw HEATHER & JEFF ARE ENGAGED, and my eyes teared up with happy tears! Heather & Jeff are so one of those couples, exactly what I was saying previously, they make it look effortless. They love to laugh and although I know they have bad days they would never take their anger out on a fly. They are both so damn smiley!! The cool thing about Heather & Jeff are they are younger than me. Sometime growing up you were introduced to role models who are always the older, successful person you want to be. It's kind of strange to have someone you look up to be younger than you, its going against the grain, but I guess its another thing that make them so awesome. So congrats to Heather & Jeff -I hope you live happily ever after and have adorable musical babies.

Emily & Mike - I felt extraordinarily honored to be invited to Emily & Mikes wedding. You see, Emily and Mike were a few years ahead of me in school and "the" couple. Everyone knew them, and everyone loved them. Both are amazingly funny people that could make a brick wall giggle. I knew going into Emily & Mike's wedding that I was going to be part of something great, but I had no idea what kind of impact it would make on me. Their wedding was what all weddings aspire to be: delightfully fun, incredibly happy, and hopelessly romantic. As they read their personally written vows full of their deepest sincerity and a humor that only Emily and Mike could create, there was not a dry eye in the house. And if that wasn't enough, as their stared into each others eyes and sang along to their first dance "Somewhere over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - well that could make Scrooge a believer. To this day, when KJ and I start talking about our wedding it isn't too long until one of us brings up Emily and Mike's wedding, and how we hope to capture the same beauty that they were able to on that one day of their blessed lives.

And finally,
Kayla & Kenny - Kayla is my wonderful cousin and the one I refer to as "Bridesmaid K" in my blogs. Kayla's story is a little different than the rest: Kenny passed away last June and therefore, is no longer with us. Kayla and Kenny both have fiery personalities and hearts of pure gold. Kayla and Kenny have a love like no one I have ever seen, because even in death the love they share is so apparent. Kayla's strength should be entered in the "worlds strongest man" competition. I'm pretty sure it could knock those brawny men named Klaus, Stefan, or Erich on their asses(don't look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about... we've all been up late one night and found reruns from 1989 on espn). Even apart, the transparency of their love and relationship is something we should all aspire for.

And, so ends my dedication blog. Thank you to these people for showing me the importance happiness, laughter and strength has in a successful relationship and by leading by example. I know most of these people don't read my wedding blog but a very special "thank you" for sharing your lives with me, you have touched my life and for that I am so very grateful.

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