Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm sensing a trend:

The 4th in the somewhat downtrodden and not that blushing of a bride's blog entries....

My dad lost his job this weekend. The way he had been talking it wasn't all that much of a surprise, his company had been downsizing over the past few months and before the holidays he was surprised (and of course thankful) he still had a job. I remember when my mom lost her job a few years back and it completely knocked her on her butt. Despite the tough economy, I actually think my dad will find a job rather quickly, at least I'm hoping. While my dad is the eternal bachelor and loves to live the life of luxury, he has a pretty good head about him. Growing up he always seemed aware of expenses and fiscally responsible. He has done a lot of different jobs from tax filer to bartender - so I think he will be able to find something to supplement his bills at least temporarily. It's just scary, my dad and mom both live alone and while they are both happier divorced it does seem to add considerable stress on each of them not having the ability to split their expenses. It makes me worry.

I've always worried about money, or really, the lack there of.

And so, a whole slew of worries have come up in the past week. Making sure my dad is ok and continues to be ok is priority #1. The whole only-daughter-getting-married thing... well ya, that's an issue. Our wedding budget is a generous mix of donations from parents, grandparents, and our (KJ & my) money; i.e. the invitations will definitely read "Together with their parents". So, now, with my dad being out of work, I'm not sure how that effects our budget. The tough part is: I don't want to ask... or maybe I do. I don't know.

I don't want to be a jerk and say "what about ME", but at the same time we've planned our wedding off of a bottom line, and if that line is going to be affected, I feel its right for me to know. My dad, being the smarty pants he is will let us know, I have no doubt. I'm just very impatient and one of those the quicker the better types. I'm trying to be sensitive and understanding, but man... its hard sometimes!

Anybody have to deal with a big budget shift while planning? How do you cope?

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