Friday, January 1, 2010

the downside of the bride-to-be

I've always been super sensitive about how I look in pictures, primarily because I think am among the least photogenic people ever. Camera and pictures are words that actually make me cringe. Lasting images of my not toned arms starring me in the face, or the scary truth that when I thought I looked great today, I was sadly mistaken, always seem to be a reality when it comes to pictures. Smile, not smile, maybe sort of smile... I can never get it right. The pictures that are supposed to be of the happiest day of my life seem like a cruel irony because all I see are imperfections.
So, my fear and loathing of pictures have obviously made me want to work out and get looking a little better. I'd love to loose 20 lbs, but honestly, I don't know about that. It's really hard for me to loose weight, always has been. So instead of saying I want to loose 20 lbs, I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. This month, I would love the loose 3 lbs. I should be able to do that right?

Step 1. Work Out.

I had a personal trainer, but honestly knew I could do more, it was expensive and I was only going once a week. I felt like 2 or 3 times would be ideal, but there was no way I could afford that. So, I broke up with my personal trainer. Instead, I enrolled my booty in a Cardio Kickbox (ie Turbo Tae bo) class through the park district. $53 for 12 weeks, bargain! First class starts Monday - It shouldn't be hard to get my $4.42 worth of working out.

In addition, I'm going to try very very hard to commit to this Couch to 5K plan - I've heard very good things. While pictures and camera are among the most feared words of my life, running completes the trifecta of horror words. I've never been a runner and never thought I could - but always have admired those who could.

This isn't my first dance with the Couch to 5K plan. I actually tried it a few months ago, but got to about week 4 and got bored, or distracted, or something and I stopped. It's a pretty easy plan: 9 weeks, 3 times a week, about 30 minutes, and it gradually gets your body used to running with the goal of 3 miles in week 9.

Today I completed Week 1. I ran Sunday, Wednesday and today. It was a 5 minute warm up, then 8 sets of one minute run/90 second brisk walk, and a 5 minute cool down. So simple, even a caveman, scratch that, even I, could do it. Bring on week 2 - 8 weeks left to go - take that Jillian Michaels.

I figured posting my progress on the Couch to 5K plan would hold me more accountable and make me feel responsible for getting through the new weeks. Has anyone ever done this before? Thoughts for this clueless runner appreciated!

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