Friday, January 22, 2010

Hello, beautiful

I did it...
and it was great :)

Thursday night I went with MOH S, Bridesmaid J, and my momma to see my dress. I got to put it on, see that it was so awesome and start picking out fantastic accessories. For how nervous that something would go horribly wrong, I was so happy that nothing really did. They got the right size, correct dress, and it looks like there will only be minimal alterations! Looking at myself in my dress I did see all of my flaws, its not like my soft spots miraculously disappeared, but I really felt amazing in the dress, and I can work on the rest. I think that's fair, right?

I was so happy that a few members of my bridal party got to be there, and I could share the experience with them. Since I've known Bridesmaid J (hmm, going on 10 years now) she always has worn really cute and big accessories. I'm more of a small (but knock-out pieces) accessory girl and I feel awkward wearing big pieces. I was happy to have her expertise in the matter to encourage me to try on things that I might not if I was just picking things out by myself. MOH S was in top MOH form asking things like "well, is that bracelet uncomfortable because you don't want it poking and hurting all day long" (omg, thank you... I see something sparkly-cute and I don't even think that this sharp pointy thing will be jabbing into my wrist for entire day). Not to mention MOH S even offered to bring in a sparkly PINK headband for me to try on which for her is probably equivalent to a form of chinese water torture ;)

In all of the fantastic accessory shopping I found a pair of earrings I love. I know it's not hard to me to fall in love with sparkly and shiny jewelry, but these were seriously fierce! What was seriously not cool was their $160 price tag for cz and fake pearls! I need to steal a picture from my wedding paparazzi to post, and maybe see if anyone is etsy alchemy could make me a pair for less. I haven't used etsy alchemy yet, but I've been looking for some reason to, so this might work! Yay dress, yay earrings, yay wedding!

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