Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pulling Out the Playbook

It happened.

The first time during the planning when trying to make things right for you, you piss someone off.

I'm not a confrontational person, in fact, I hate it. I much rather just sit alone and be angry for a while than try to talk something out and have it turn into a huge fight. I cave in fights, i don't know which way is up, which way is down and if I'm playing offense or defense. Acknowledging this isn't the healthiest behavior, I made an attempt to pull out the playbook and talk things out when something had disappointed me.

I bet you can guess what happened...

More anger.

Yes, it stinks - but honestly, I've vented, and now I'm just going to move on. I know this wont be the last time it happens - but I hope when it happens again it isn't over something trivial. I think the worst thing about trying to be prepared is that despite all your efforts, the other team pulls out a play you never saw coming, and you still loose. Le sigh.... time to move on.

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